The aim of the present article was to analyze the application of funding and investment resources of Pronaf in the Development Regions (DR) in Pernambuco. The article presents a qualitative and quantitative nature and shows that in the period from 2013 to 2018, 600,200 Pronaf loans were contracted in Pernambuco DRs, totalizing R$ 2.9 billion. Of these totals, 93.3% of the number and 82.9% of the monetary values were intended for investment purposes and 6.7% of the number and 17.1% of the resources were directed to costing. It was observed that investment contracts, with lower rates and longer payment terms, were more expressive and mainly benefited the poorest farmers, who are the majority, while cost financing, the most capitalized. In general, it was found that Pronaf contracts have contributed little to diversifying the herd and crops in the state.
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