Considering the relevance of Anísio Spínola Teixeira (1900-1971) for national education, as well as his intellectual production, the text aims to present and discuss arguments around the evaluations of teaching systems in the history of Brazilian education, approaching them as anisian legacies. This is descriptive research, with dialectical methodology and reconstructive analytical procedure, using bibliographical research. As an axis of analysis, it observed the critical reading of historical texts, based on three categories: a) the role of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research – INEP in evaluating education systems; b) objectives of system assessments, and; c) the social function of systems assessment. It concludes that Anísio Teixeira's conceptions indicated the production of surveys and diagnoses to support educational planning, which allows identifying the genesis of the arguments that would later support the institution of evaluations of education systems as educational policies.
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ROCHA, João Augusto de Lima. Breve História da Vida e Morte de Anísio Teixeira - desmontada a farsa da queda no fosso do elevador. Edufba, 2019. 286p.
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