Reading/writing goes through several (trans)formations that begin in early childhood education, through drawings and storytelling, to technical studies in the later stages of school. During the pandemic, written and oral language underwent some adaptations, necessitating rethinking strategies and intensifying the use of active methodologies. We aim here to reflect on active methodologies and their uses, the concept of distance education, the importance of literary content and the conditions of teaching practice during the social distance imposed by the pandemic. We anchored our research in the concepts brought by Rildo Cosson, José Manuel Moran, José Armando Valente and others, which emphasize the interaction between language with the use of literature and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Methodologically, we used the qualitative approach. In this reflection, we consider that the multiplicities of contemporary praxis allowed the teacher to use active approaches that brought the ormation of the subject closer to his daily life.
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