Keywords: Higher. Education. Neoliberalism. Commodification., Higher, Education, Neoliberalism, Commodification


This article aims to briefly present the process of commercialization of higher education in Brazil since 1990, verifying how neoliberal policies influenced the increase of private higher education institutions (HEIs); we will first present the historical course of neoliberalism in the world and in Brazil, approaching some political economic measures which corroborated for the increase in private higher education; after we will present the relation between neoliberalism and education. For some reflective notes on the commodification of higher education, we use comparative and bibliographic data analysis with a time from 1990 to 2017 and will make an analysis of the current governmental moment. The results indicate that there were marked changes, which substantially influenced the expansion of private higher education in Brazil, from 1990 to 2017, increased by 75.1%. Bills, provisional measures, PECs, structural changes in higher education and access forms were created to favor private HEIs in the country and as a requirement of the World Bank, since the market (capital) understands higher education as a private propriety and not public. What it can be seen so much in the government's speech today is the defense of private higher education, the possibility of charging tuition at public universities, which seems to be modernization; it is the adaptation to the policies and requirements of the market system. Therefore, this article, our reflections are based Adorno´s theory about capitalism and commodification process.


Author Biographies

Mrs., Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Uberaba, Master in Education from the Federal
University of Uberlândia, PhD in Education from the University of São Paulo (1997).
Post-Doctorate in Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology (2000). Master at PPGE/ UFU-MG.
Mrs., Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás - PUC - GO
Graduated in Letters from the University of Rio Verde, Master in Letters:
Literature and Literary Criticism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás,
Doctoral Student in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás,
her studies are concentrated in the Research Line of Education, Society and Culture.
Mrs., New York University
Degree in Psychology, Specialization in Neuropsychology / PUCGoiás.
Master's Student in Psychology - University of New York,
bilingual Portuguese/English translator.


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