
O presente artigo evidencia as contribuições boaventurianas acerca da razão cosmopolita, que é subsidiada por três procedimentos sociológicos: a sociologia das ausências, a sociologia das emergências e o trabalho de tradução. Tais reflexões surgem a partir do delineamento das três grandes conflitualidades epistemológicas contidas no projeto educativo boaventuriano: o conflito entre a aplicação técnica e a edificante, entre o conhecimento como regulação e como emancipação e, por fim, entre o imperialismo cultural e o multiculturalismo. Na tentativa de enfrentamento à indolência da racionalidade científica, que moldou os conhecimentos do sistema educativo, os pensamentos do autor são ressignificados a partir da perspectiva da educação intercultural crítica, que evidencia a dimensão cultural intrínseca ao processo educacional. Sendo a educação uma prática inerentemente humana, a discussão é justificada pela necessidade do desenvolvimento de um projeto educativo que promova a desomogeneização da diversidade cultural, bem como a desinvisibilização dos conhecimentos do indivíduo.

Author Biographies

Luanne Michella Bispo Nascimento, Federal University of Sergipe

She is a doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Education (PPGED). He has a master's degree in Development and Environment from PRODEMA / UFS (2014), where he received a CAPES scholarship. Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Sergipe, Campus Itabaiana (2011). From 2008 to 2010 he was a PIBIC / CNPq fellow. His works were produced within the Group of Studies and Research Identity Processes and Power (GEPPIP), following the lines of sustainability, identity processes, traditionalism, environmental conflicts and environmental knowledge of communities surrounding the Serra de Itabaiana National Park. He currently works at the Integration Center between UFS and Basic Education (NIUEB) at the State Secretariat for Education, Sports and Culture (SEDUC), monitoring and articulating university programs and projects developed in basic education schools. He is a member of the Sergipe Environmental Education Research Group (GEPEASE), where his current line of research is the study of critical and emancipatory Environmental Education as the core of the educational process.

Maria Inêz Oliveira Araújo, Federal University of Sergipe

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Sergipe (1981), master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (1996), doctorate in Education from the University of São Paulo (2004) and post-doctorate from the University of Porto, with a scholarship from CAPES. Full Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe, developing her academic activities in the course of Pedagogy, teaching the subjects Education and Environmental Ethics, Science Teaching Initial Series and Integrating Seminars and in the Degree in Biological Sciences, guiding a monograph; professor of the Graduate Program in Education as a teacher of the Research in Education discipline and advisor of the master's and doctorate. Leader of the Environmental Education Study and Research Group of the state of Sergipe - GEPEASE and researcher at Sala Verde at UFS. He has experience in the Education area, with an emphasis on Environmental Education, Science and Biology teaching, methodology and teacher training. Retired Full Professor, with a volunteer teacher link in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Sergipe


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