
This article is one of the results of the Postgraduate Program in Professional and Technological Education of IFTO Campus Palmas, whose objective was from a diagnostic evaluation against traditional teaching-learning methods to provide students of the 3rd year of the Technical Course in Informatics. for internet, integrated to the High School in 2019 mechanisms of studies mediated by Information and Communication Technology. As materials for this study we used: the classroom, laboratories; Virtual learning environment; cell phones; computers among others. The methodological course was guided by an exploratory field research; with quanti-qualitative approach using questionnaires via googleforms. Data analysis was performed through hypothetical-deductive interpretation. The results show aspects that lead to a reflection-action of the pedagogical practice going through the stages of Planning, Execution, Evaluation, Recovery / Complementation and Registration.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Antonio Magalhães Teixeira, Instituto Federal do Tocantins

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica do Câmpus Palmas, do Instituto Federal do Tocantins - IFTO. 

Claudio de Castro Monteiro, Instituto Federal do Tocantins

Doutor e Orientador Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica do Câmpus Palmas, do Instituto Federal do Tocantins - IFTO. 

Mailson Santos de Oliveira, Unitins

Professor Especialista da Unitins - Câmpus Palmas.


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