The theme of this article is the relationship between student union and school management. The participation of the student body is currently something encouraged by the education systems, and the main means is the performance of the student union, representative entity of the students. School management, in turn, from a democratic profile, should be responsible for ensuring the citizen participation of students and other community members in the life of the school. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze the official documents that help the management team in the implementation of the student body. Our hypothesis is that the existence of the guild as representative, autonomous and deliberative entity of the students is more due to a bureaucratic (if not mandatory) necessity than an effective commitment to the development of participatory students and concerned with the destiny of the school. To do so, we carry out a bibliographic review about democratic school management and student movement and analysis of official documents. As a theoretical contribution, we use the concepts of democracy and participation by Bobbio, Matteucci & Pasquino (1998) and Demo (1993), who postulate social participation as "conquest", as opposed to the welfare and centralizing positions that exist in school . We also consider the contributions of researchers such as Carlos (2006), Gadotti (2014) and Moura (2010), who address the student union and democratic management in school.
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