The concept “commercialization” is defined and used in various ways and conditions that can be considered with opposite or at least completely different definitions. Such a variety of definitions and characteristics of the commercialization may mislead scholars and managers to perceive and exploit the findings of the researchers. We mentioned a pattern of identifying the concept “commercialization” based on four dimensions subject, object, goal and strategy of commercialization in a reviewing literature study. In this study, we reviewed the literature on commercialization, in published papers in the journals, listed in the rank Q1 and which have SJR index of more than one in the Scimago Journal & Country Rank website.
We found a pattern of figuring out the concept “commercialization”, based on which we defined commercialization path. Furthermore, we emphasized that commercialization path is dynamic rather than static, which can lead further researchers to study the factors affecting the commercialization paths.
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