• Sohila Dizgoli Soore University
  • Shanaz Alipoori Islamic Azad University


The present study was done with the aim of investigating the place of audience in representatial arts of contemporary Iran. One of the issues that contemporary arts face with, is the audience. In general, based on what stance, classification of the audiences is done? And from where special and public audiences have come? Of course, from the sociologists’ point of views, the contemporary society is divided to various classes regarding meditation, culture and thinking, but does artistic outlook could explain its psychological reasons in this field? What is obvious, is that the audience as the main element for heating and watching the work of artists, has a very special place and even effect of this important element on artists and other issues like political and social matters is obvious. Of course what highlights this effect in present world, is the idea of society and the policy for classification of people regarding their cultural and economic ranks. Other elements that based on various ideas have effects on the economy of art and classification of audience like galleried, agents, dealers and media, act as powerful hands of politicians and advertisements for absorption and classification of the audience. This article wants to explain these classifications from the social and psychological points of view and believes that audience as the most important element in creation of an art work isn’t in right place and the other elements have become determinative.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Sohila Dizgoli, Soore University

M.A. of Painting, Soore University, Tehran Iran.

Shanaz Alipoori, Islamic Azad University

M.A. of  Painting, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


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