
The authors focus on the fact that the reform of the education system leads to various risks in the professional activities of the higher education teacher of the humanitarian cycle in the context of distance education. Reforms in the higher education system introduce a varying degree of uncertainty into the lives of participants in the educational process. The authors highlight organizational and managerial risks, information risks, competence risks, economic risks, labor risks. Of particular relevance are information risks in the context of distance learning. According to the authors of the work, any risk besides uncertainty is an opportunity for teachers of the humanities to adapt to new conditions.

Biografía del autor/a

Andrey V. Rachipa, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia

Doctor of sociological sciences, professor of department of sociology, History and political science of Institute of management in economic, ecological and social systems, The southern federal university; Professor-associate of the department 109 «b» FGBOU «Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)», Russia. 

Valery V. Kasyanov, Kuban State University, Russia

Doctor of Social Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, head of chair of history of Russia, Kuban State University, Russia. 

Galina V. Ganshina, Associate Professor of the Institute of Culture and Arts of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russia

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute of Culture and Arts of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russia. 

Larisa I. Kobysheva, Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) of FSBEI HPE Rostov State Economic University (RINH), Russia. 

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology; Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) of FSBEI HPE Rostov State Economic University (RINH), Russia. 

Olga L. Kosiborod , Institute of Culture and Arts, Russia.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Moscow City University, Department of Social and Cultural Аctivities and Performing Аrts, Institute of Culture and Arts, Russia. 

Elena V. Dolgireva , Institute of Culture and Arts, Russia. 

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Moscow City University, Department of Social and Cultural Аctivities and Performing Аrts, Institute of Culture and Arts, Russia. 


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