This work presents a critical-reflexive analysis of three 9th grade\Elementary School textbooks adopted in three different schools, from the state teaching system of Tocantins that problematizes the presence of Afro-Brazilian literature, in particular, the literary productions of black authors. Thus, methodologically, this research privileges a documentary analysis with a qualitative interpretative bias. In order to theoretically subsidize our analyzes, we will use the following authors: Dalcastagnè (2012), Lobo (2014), Ribeiro (2017/2018), Cuti (2010) and Diogo (2014). In general, from our study, what we could perceive is that, in the contexts of Portuguese textbooks (LDP) there are a restricted number of women, but these are not Afro-Brazilian or Afro-descendant. Therefore, these Portuguese-language textbooks contribute to the silencing and invisibilization of these women.
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