The article analyzes the discursivities of sustainability of “voices-letters” of black women manifested in the project Black Letters, of Conceição Evaristo, considering that these narratives of the contemporary epistolography make possible a reading about the social space of these women. The theoretical-methodological basis mobilizes theories of sustainability, in Hargreaves and Fink (2007); of the discourse analysis, in Pêcheux (2015); the contemporary literature, in Dalcastagnè (2012), and of black feminism, in Ribeiro (2017). In the focus of contemporary literature, the “voices-letters” of black women are analyzed because their discourses emerge from the social locus of invisibility to that of emancipation. In this perspective, we problematize that the discourses of sustainability in Black Letters point out that the “voices-letters” of black women are, in most cases, in a status at the margin of the society, because they run up against hierarchies of control and in the hegemonic discourses.
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