The purpose of this work is to present Assistive Technology (AT) and address its potential for the curricular process, specifically for work aimed at the inclusion of autistic people, starting, on the other hand, from the questioning about the need for deepening about autism, which can also bring subsidies to the curricular contexts that welcome autistic students. Currently, there is still a lack of knowledge about AT, as there is also a lack of curricular proposals in the training of teachers to deal with students with special needs in Multifunctional Resource Rooms, in focus, with autistic people, enrolled in regular schools. This is relevant, since studies in the Education Area bring a generalizing and superficial approach to this specificity. Among the AT categories, there is the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), which is a technology used with subjects with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the school environment, object of this research in the Graduate Program in Education and Contemporaneity (PPGEduC/UNEB). In addition to this issue of the use of AAC (AT) in subjects with ASD, which is inserted in the technical mold, there is also a questioning regarding the understanding of Autism from the point of view of a subjectivity approach, which considers the psychic infrastructure of the autistic, which makes a difference in the diagnostic issue and clinical referral, which goes beyond the strictly pedagogical and educational scope of the school, contextualized with Information and Communication Technologies, and which re-dimensions the understanding of the potentials of AT and the school inclusion of the person with autism, as well as indicating unique possibilities for the reception of this being, in accordance with its uniqueness.
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