Such research titled "The challenges of (re) integration of socio-professional woman graduate of the penitentiary system in Palmas-TO", the rationale of Criminal Law Enforcement - (LEP), n ° 7.210/84 and in various scientific research on this social reality. The general aim was to know the difficulties of social (re) integration of women egress that meets the legal obligations on Executions Pen and Alternative Measures Central (CEPEMA) in Palmas / TO. For the study, we adopted the bibliographical and field research as well as technical documentary analysis, using qualitative and quantitative approach. We conducted the analysis in six randomly selected documents, to collect data. Specified for this study was the investigation covering the period of imprisonment by surveyed from 2010 to 2013. Results showed that the penal institution does not call what is required by law (LEP), has a poor structure, and mostly does not meet the specificities of incarcerated women. It was also observed that the women who were facing difficulties to (re) integrate into society, through prejudice and still many barriers to gaining employment.
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