This article seeks to answer the following question: which corporeities are expressed during a Catholic Cavalhada? It aims to discuss and analyze the religious vicissitudes that permeate the bodily instances during the Catholic celebration called cavalhada in a community in the interior of Minas Gerais. It establishes as a methodology the ethnographic case study. For this purpose, a tri-centennial community in the interior of Minas Gerais was selected as a research group. Among the different manifestations produced, the epistemological path is directed towards Cavalhada in honor of the local Patron Saint. With this, it was possible to ascertain different nuances, including a very unique way of the body to express itself and become the protagonist of the occasion. This protagonism is due to the integral peculiarity that men and horses assume for the development of the manifestation. Therefore, given this junction between men and horses, the metaphor of the centaur was used to describe and possible representative unfoldings that bodily actions assume.
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