In this paper we study, through the analysis of the short stories "A benfazeja" by Guimarães Rosa, and "Rosalinda, a nenhuma" by Mia Couto, how the process of silencing the female subject occurs. The female subject represented by the characters Mula-Marmela, in Rosa's narrative, and Rosalinda, in Mia Couto's short story, finds herself subjugated by physical and symbolic violence, either in the group to which she belongs or in the interior of the marriage. In this sense, we explore how the narrators treat the issue of violence and detachment the group establishes with the characters. We focus on the discourses triggered as subterfuges for the groups to turn both Mula-Marmela and Rosalinda into scapegoats. Looking at these strategies, we argue that groups reaffirm themselves as collectives by locating, within the community, vulnerable individuals to which they channel violence.
Keywords: Guimarães Rosa; Mia Couto; female subject; violence; scapegoat
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