In this essay, we articulate the theoretical and methodological notes that have guided our efforts to understand and analyze television fictional series, especially the theoretical repertoire regarding the social field of artistic and cultural production, by Bourdieu (1996). In our previous research, we have argued that television series production and distribution constitutes a field that implies a social space for position-taking (both creative and managerial) by the main agents involved - particularly, companies' original programming development executives and showrunners, chief-writers and executive-producers responsible for the creative teams that work in such television series. In association with Baxandall’s (2006) and Bordwell’s (2008) perspectives on style and the historical approach to social agents’ intentionality, synthesized by the problem-solution model, Bourdieu’s theoretical approach inspires the relational analysis of two instances – the cultural product’s production and the production process’ management – in a broad and comprehensive point of view of the works and the social agents involved (companies and creators), according to the specific logics in dispute in the social, economic and media context in which they are inserted.
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