This article is intended to characterize social movements in the world of work and its articulations with popular educators and the tenuous differences that exist between community education, social and/or popular, within the proposal to regulate the profession of social educator/ pedagogue, authored by deputy Chico Lopes. For this, we performed a bibliographic review within the works of Marx (2007, 2011) and Kuenzer (2002), about the contextualization of the work category in modernity; Gramsci (2004) and Gadotti (2012) in the concepts of Education as a social practice and its scope in the formal and no-formal scenario, in addition to punctuating the regulation of the profession. With regard to social movements, we will show the theory of Gohn (2008). It is considered as a synthesis that the regulation of this profession brings some advances in legitimizing the work of this subject, but, when regulating, it also presents, contradictorily, the possibility of fragmentation, market reserve and divisionism in the area.
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