• Luana Braga Batista UFRJ


This article is the result of a theoretical discussion facilitated by the course of gender and family, given at the Museu Nacional - UFRJ in the first semester of 2019. From the data of an ethnography produced for my master's dissertation in Social Anthropology, I bring a discussion about the gender, the family and the race to think about how gender and race markers are all the time building and breaking family while negotiating female power in Durreis's family. I propose to think about the concept of family in the field of anthropology in

mediation and construction with race and gender in the key of feminine thinking rupture, mediation and affront in what comes to be my family, demonstrating the negotiations and circulation of this diabolical cosmological power in the gender marked by race and literacy.

Author Biography

Luana Braga Batista, UFRJ

Doutoranda em antropologia pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Antropologia Social – UFRJ. Bolsista Cnpq.


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