Experience Report on Recording an Audiobook: Inclusion and Impacts
Abstract: This report presents the experience of recording the audiobook DE LÁ PRA CÁ E AS VOLTAS QUE O MUNDO DÁ, by author Mariany Montino, highlighting the challenges, learnings and social impacts associated with the dissemination of this information access tool. Based on a practical and theoretical perspective, exploring aspects of social inclusion through audiobooks and their benefits for diverse communities, such as people with visual impairments, the elderly and other audiences with difficulties accessing traditional reading. Furthermore, the report emphasizes the role of audiobooks as tools for democratizing knowledge and cultural reflection, considering the positive impact on personal development and promoting equal opportunities. Finally, the article offers insights into the contribution of audiobooks in creating a more inclusive and accessible environment, in addition to highlighting the relevance of the production process for the narrator as an agent of social transformation.
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