In this brief article we will make a small interlocution between two thinkers of quite distinct historical-social contexts who, however, have great affinities in their "critical reading" understandings. The background of this research about the act of reading is the understanding that in the inter-text reside not only ideologies, discourses and narratives, but also a type of control that governs all these elements, in the form of a colonialism, read and reproduced in the text consciously and, most of the time, unconsciously. One of the main questions we ask the authors in this essay is "What paths can we follow if we do not read a text naively?" In addition to the importance of a careful reading of the possible ideologies and colonialities contained in a text, one of the main inferences that we have drawn from both authors is that the act of reading refers not only to the reading of the word, letters and signs, but also "reading the world," as Freire would say, or "reading the book of the world," as Schopenhauer would say.
Keywords: Reading, post-colonial, Paulo Freire; Schopenhauer.
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