The present study is part of a much bigger one which aims to investigate the process of a self blackgayman construction in the core of the inter-racial and heterosexual family. Its hypothesis comes from the assumption that blackgaymen do not initially have positive identities which they could claim for; on the contrary, these identities are rejected by the “other”. Therefore, they have an identity condition given as a priori. Nonetheless, the dialectical effort of the “I” and of the “Other” engenders the process of a self blackgayman construction. In this perspective, it is necessary to let go of the auto(biographical) method, having in mind that, when one goes towards another time of oneself, one finds the “poetry of self”, which is an experience of self-subjectification, breaking a narrative into pieces through memory and presenting it to construct a language that replicates the whole beauty of “being” someone. Three Baiano teachers took part in the whole research, however, it is presented here an analysis of a core meaning extracted from one teacher's life story, a blackgayman, being called here Rubião Bovary. He emerged as the protagonist of this study due to the complexity of countless overlaps in his memorial report. It is focused on the family as a scenario of meaning for the color/race of Rubião Bovary. The results point that the family is confronted in its role of identity construction: the “being black” denied as part of an imaginary reality built from the desire of being “another”, close to “being white” as self-defense in face of the situation of the public stigmatization of being gay.
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