Productivity Development based on technological innovation strategic planning framework

  • Asghar Oghalaiee University of Tehran
  • Reza Bandarian Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran


Innovation is becoming a key component of the knowledge economy based not only on the level of organizational performance, but increasingly as a source of productivity growth at the organization and national level, and it can be argued that any economic growth based on productivity After the eighteenth century, the events were rooted in innovation. The driving force of the knowledge economy is knowledge society, which plays a key role in the development of knowledge economy. The study of the literature of these companies and the studies conducted on the reasons for their failure to fulfill their role and mission, and their lack of importance and ineffectiveness, show that most of these companies did not have a specific strategy or their strategies with the appropriate framework and not implemented. Accordingly, the question that arises is the strategic planning framework for technological innovation suitable for the development of productivity in these companies?

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Asghar Oghalaiee, University of Tehran

Ph.D. Student in Management of Technology, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, I.R. IRAN.

Reza Bandarian, Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran

Professor Assistant, Commercialization and Business Development Department, Technology Management Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, I.R. IRAN.
