The purpose of this study was to design a native model for evaluating organizational wisdom for government agencies and typically in industrial enterprises in Kermanshah province which is based on the purpose of the applied research type. And, in terms of the method, this is a descriptive-survey research. In order to prepare and formulate theoretical foundations, the study of research records is used by the library method. To analyze the data, first, after identifying the dimensions and variables of organizational wisdom, to remove the unrelated factors and their categorization with the help of factor analysis, 5 major dimensions were identified: 1. Learning (continuous) 2. Thinking (system and wise) 3. Values and ethical actions 4. Creativity and innovation 5. Intelligence (based on experience). Then, Fuzzy mathematical is used for modeling that to fuzzy from triangular numbers, for fuzzy intrusion of Mamdani's method, the center of gravity method is used for decaying.
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