One of the most important challenges in the non-productive sector is extreme bureaucracy in banks which has confronted their provision of public services with several problems. The present paper challenges the public sector's perspective of information and communications technology as solutions that have generally been used for reduction of bureaucracy in state banks, in the way proposed by policies of banks' electronic public services which are resulted from the New Public Management ideology. In organizational structures, these alternate solutions are specified by the form of electronic bureaucracy. Electronic bureaucracies are organizations that adopt the pragmatic logic and procedures of a public bureaucracy with the aim of coordination of execution of organizational activities and resultantly, for the provision of services, but still, rely on information and communications technology for maintaining their pragmatic efficiency. These information and communications technologies are mostly used for facilitating and supporting basic coordinating organizational functions as well as surveillance of bureaucratic organizations in a way that this content shows that the process of alignment of shut-down processes and functional simplification with organizational needs and goals is an uncertain system in a way that there are no obligations for formation of what is expected from a technology or its consequences. However, the information and communications technology system lead to a redefinition of solidarity between banks' public services. It also amplifies the dependencies and functional relations among organizations and their employees.
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