
The phenomenon of Smart Cities (SC) has arisen within the context of urbanization, globalization and digital revolution. The purpose of this paper is to find the main constructs which could explain urban smartness and to reveal what is the shape of urban smartness could be assumed to. Considering the conceptual nature of our aim, we chose a qualitative and exploratory approach, in which we created propositions through a narrative review of publications on SC and the interconnection with other theories of social applied sciences, such as innovation, marketing, development and public administration. This paper proposed a framework with a set of propositions, which indicates that the urban smartness depends upon the interrelation of the constructs of urban innovativeness, smart governance, and smart development. Likewise, this paper proposed a definition of “urban product” and “urban process”, which are relevant to the construct of urban innovativeness.

Biografía del autor/a

Donizete Ferreira Beck, Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE)

Ph.D. Candidate in Business Administration at Graduate School of Business, Nove de Julho University. 

Diego de Melo Conti, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas

Full-Professor at Postgraduate Program in Sustainability, Center for Economics and Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas). 


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