This study aimed at assessing women’s role in the Center for Applied Agricultural Sciences (CCAA) at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Four databases were analyzed and indicated that CCAA is a predominately male-oriented center, as men professors outnumber women in five out of its six departments. Currently, there are 85 professors, all of them with doctorate degrees (67.1% men and 32.9% women) and 26 professors with postdoctorate experience, 30.8% women and 69.2% men. Only eight professors received research fellowships: two women and six men. There are 215 leadership positions registered, 29.3% being occupied by women and 70.7% by men. Similarly, women represented 42.6% and men 57.4% of the incoming undergraduate students and 53.1% and 46.9% amongst graduate students, respectively. Many gender barriers have been surpassed, but others remain, mainly in the highest hierarchical levels, and need to be further addressed.
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