Education permeates development through teaching and learning, aiming to develop and enhance the intellectual capacity of the human being, it is a fundamental right for every individual. Distance education (EaD) is a teaching modality that is constantly growing in contemporary times and reveals itself as significant trend in the educational sphere. The modality is no longer new, especially in higher education. The first EaD records identified were dated 1728, through correspondence courses and, currently, it is widely used mediated by communication and information technologies (ICTs). The objective of this study is to identify the advances that distance education provides to the teaching-learning process. The specific ones are: i) To present the history of the evolution of distance education; ii) Describe the potential of distance education for the teaching and learning process through; iii) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of taking a higher education course at a distance. The research allowed conjecturing as advantages of this teaching modality to give the student the opportunity to become creative, autonomous, dynamic, be flexible, able to assume responsibilities, relate with the knowledge in order to understand them, apprehend them to mobilize them to Problem solving, perform tasks imposed on him, ability to relate to others, adaptability, work in teams, manage knowledge. Still the autonomy of time and space to carry out the activities. As a disadvantage, there is the challenge of time management and the lack of face-to-face contact, as well as the technological tools available to enhance studies.
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