
The Blue Amazon concept refers to the Amazon, characterizing in terms of flora, fauna and other potential the abundant Brazilian maritime territory, including the pre-salt. This article aims to discuss the role of the pre-salt in respect of the development project and its level of expansion, the role of the Brazilian State in this process and the theoretical diversity of this concept. Furthermore, the international dynamics of the oil market, the Brazilian position in this scenario and the environmental impacts arising from the expansion of exploration are discussed. This work is divided in a way that initially discusses the economic potential of the pre-salt and its exploitatiom capacity in Brazil. Then, the international market is presented and how it behaves in relation to Brazilian oil. In conclusion, we approach the dynamics of the international market, the demand for oil and the paradox about oil as a means of national development, which finances social policies and the disputes of capital over oil exploration in Brazil.

Author Biography

Levi Manoel dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)

Graduado em Relações Internacionais pela UFT. Mestrando em Relações Internacionais pela UFABC.



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