
The cordel literature elaborated and starred by Cuica de Santo Amaro – Artistic name of José Gomes (1907-1964), occupied a prominet place in the streets of Salvador, in the first half of the twentieth century. The text written on the leaflet or reinvigorated in the oral perfomancee became visible and indispensable to the population of Salvador, as the cordelist-reporter divulged licit and ilicit events in Salvador, therefore contradicting many powerful people of the time. The objetctive of this work is to present, in a panoramic way, this illustrious figure of the cordel in Brazil, in order to understand the cordelist’s perception and voice from the place of speech, that he constituded in the city. The methodology is bibliographic, with a focus on authorial cordels, documentaries and cordel scholars and the author’s bibliography. In results not yet conclusives, the study reveals a cordelist who updated the cordel by focusing on historical and social events of the time and highlights the power of oral performance act in transmiting the voice of the people the reverberated in the public space.

Author Biographies

Valquíria de Lima Maranhão, UFT/FASEC

Especialista em Docência do Ensino Superior (ITOP) e Mestranda em Literatura (PPG-Letras/UFT). Atualmente, é professora na Fasec. 

Maria de Fátima Rocha Medina, Unitins

Doutora em Letras (Unileón/UFPE). Atualmente, é professora vinculada à Proex/Unitins. 



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