• Rejane Dionizio Lima Psicóloga efetiva do quadro de servidores da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde - município de Gurupi-To
Keywords: Keywords: Instrument; Intervention; Interdisciplinarity.




Every day, primary care in its scope of use makes use of instruments and shared interventions, acting in an interdisciplinary way in health, therefore, the Shared Consultation is an instrument that can promote the change of behavior in health, because the context of illness is considered and the peculiar characteristics of the user. Shared Consultation is a tool that aligns two spheres of knowledge: professionals from the Primary Care team (AB) and from the Extended Nucleus of Family Health and Primary Care (NASF-AB) and / or Multiprofessional Team. The intervention was carried out in the Basic Health Unit of the municipality of Cariri do Tocantins-To, using the following technical instruments: the case discussion and later the Shared Consultation. Finally, it was found that this tool used in the work process is effective for promoting change in health behavior, with a view to the biopsychosocial dimension of the user.




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Disponível em: . Acesso em: 06 de Mai 2020.

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