Keywords: Theater. Movie Theater. Supervised Internship.


This article is a reflection on the process of teaching theater and cinema to adolescents in a public full-time municipal school. The author performs an experience report within her supervised internship process at the UFT Theater Degree Course - Campus Palmas. The internship was guided by theatrical activities and students' experiences with cinematography, within the internship period, in the academic year of 2017. The methodology used to work with the students was that of theater and cinema, culminating in the participation of the films produced in a film festival in the city of Palmas - TO.





Author Biography

Jessika Villalon Sousa Cruz, Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)

Doutoranda em Educação na Amazônia (PDEGA/UFPA/UFT). Mestra em Gestão de Políticas Públicas (GESPOL – UFT). Graduada em Pedagogia (Claretiano – 2021), Teatro (UFT - 2019) e Tecnologia em Gestão Pública (IFTO - 2016). Membra do Grupo de Pesquisa GEPCE/UFT. 


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