• Fateme Azadian Islamic Azad University
  • Esmaeil Hadi Tabaar State University of Mazandaran
  • Mehdi Esmaeili Islamic Azad University
Keywords: NGO. Victim. Criminal Procedure. Criminal Policy.


NGOs can play an important role in criminal policy and assist official institutions in this regard. Nowadays, in many juridical systems around the world, NGOs can take steps at all stages from crime discovery to criminal prosecution and enjoy equal rights and responsibilities with the main parties to the lawsuit. Iran, also inspired by other countries, has taken steps in this regard, including Article 66 of the Criminal Procedure Code of 2013, which permitted NGOs to be present at the hearing. In criminal law politics, NGOs can play a role in criminalizing and changing the attitude of the people and the legislative body and in creating crime and social reaction. In the area of ​​executive criminal policy, NGOs can also be effective in cases where compromise can be an objective example of a participatory criminal policy and can play an important role in crime prevention.

Author Biographies

Fateme Azadian, Islamic Azad University

M.A. of Criminal Law and Criminology. Department of Law. Islamic Azad University. Ayatollah Amoli, Amol Branch, Amol, Iran. 

Esmaeil Hadi Tabaar, State University of Mazandaran

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology. Assistant Professor and Faculty Member. State University of Mazandaran. Babolsar Branch, Babolsar, Iran. 


Mehdi Esmaeili, Islamic Azad University

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology.Assistant Professor and Faculty Member. Islamic Azad University. Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr, Iran.


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