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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • • The researches that involve human beings present the approval of the Ethics Committee in Research, as well as the process of obtaining free and informed consent from the participants.
    Resolução 466/12 - Pesquisas na área da saúde.
    Resolução 510/16 - Pesquisas nas áreas de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas.
  • • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not being evaluated to publication by another Journal; otherwise, one needs to justify it in “Editor Comments” section.
  • • The submission file is in .doc or .docx format.
  • • URLs for the references were informed when possible.
  • • The text adopts A4 paper size, 3 cm margins, Arial font, size 12, and line spacing 1.5.
  • • The text does not bring any author identification, as a condition to peer review (ex: articles); the instructions available in “Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega” were followed.
  • • All the material has been through a textual review before being presented to the journal.
  • • When the article possesses collective authorship, the text must be submitted by the first author (or contact author). In the event of approval, all the authors must present an agreement with the manuscript to be published.
  • • All authors performed a complete registration on the submission platform.
  • • Link of the folder available with the template, review statement and tutorial for the submission. Folder link (google drive) .

Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not being evaluated to publication by another Journal; otherwise, one needs to justify it in “Editor Comments” section.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.
  • URLs for the references were informed when possible.
  • The text adopts A4 paper size, 2.5 cm margins, Arial font, size 12, and line spacing 1.5.
  • The text does not bring any author identification, as a condition to peer review (ex: articles); the instructions available in “Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega” were followed.
  • The text follows the style patterns and bibliographic requirements described in “Diretrizes para Autores” on the Journal’s webpage.
  • All the material has been through a textual review before being presented to the journal.
  • The researches that involve human beings present the approval of the Ethics Committee in Research, as well as the process of obtaining free and informed consent from the participants (Resolution nº 196 Conselho Nacional de Saúde10./1996).
  • When the article possesses collective authorship, the text must be submitted by the first author (or contact author). In the event of approval, all the authors must present an agreement with the manuscript to be published.


Author Guidelines


Manuscripts Norms


Scientific papers (15 to 25 pages): texts of concluded researches, a research synthesis.


Experience reports (up to 15 pages): short communication of experience reports either academic or professional, with methodologically adequate evidence.


Reviews (up to 10 pages): a critical review of a work published recently, guiding the reader concerning its characteristics and potential uses.


Interviews (up to 25 pages): a conversation between people, in an agreed locality, to obtain clarifications, evaluations, opinions, etc. It must constitute a presentation of the interviewee up to 700 words.


The manuscripts must be typed in Arial font, size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins 2.5 cm, and formatted on A4 paper.


The title, in capital letters, must be highlighted in bold, with center alignment, and simple spacing. In the following line, it must be indicated the version of the title either in English, or Spanish, or French, or Italian.


The abstract, from 100 to 150 words, in Portuguese and English (or Spanish or French), must be size 11, justified alignment, and simple spacing. The term “abstract” must be in bold and followed by a colon. The keywords, in Portuguese and English (or Spanish or French), must have the same configuration of the abstract. The term “Keywords” must be in bold, followed by a colon.  The extent (of keywords):  3 to 5 words, separated by semi-colon, and ended with a full stop. In order to facilitate the bibliographical searches, the keywords must correspond to general concepts of the work field.


Pictures, charts, or graphs that follow the text must be in grayscale; fit in the document according to the foreseen space; and be sent in separate files, in case of problems in formatting.



The citations up to 03 lines must contain double quotation marks and be within the body text. The citation that is longer than 03 lines must be indented left and inserted in a new paragraph, with 4cm indentation, Arial font, size 11, justified alignment, and simple line spacing. The citation must contain the name of the author, the year of the publication, and the pages, as the following examples below.


Examples of citations and references, according to the ABNT norms (NBR6023)


 BENJAMIN, Walter. Rua de mão única. 5 ed. São Paulo: Brasiliense,1995. (Obras escolhidas, v. 3).

 BARTHES, Roland et al. Literatura e realidade (que é o realismo). Apresentação Tzvetan Todorov. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote,1984. 

  • Book chapter


LAFETÁ, João Luiz. Três teorias do romance: alcance, limitações, complementaridade. In: ––––––. A dimensão da noite e outros ensaios. Organização Antonio Arnoni Prado. São Paulo: Duas Cidades; Editora 34, 2004. p. 284-95.


Papers in compilation

 LIPPARD, Lucy R. Trojan Horses: Activist Art and Power. In: WALLIS, Brian (Ed.). Art after Modernism: Rethinking representation. NewYork: The Museum of Contemporary Art; Boston: Godine, 1984. p. 341-58.

Newspaper article

FISCHER, Luís Augusto. Nobreza do samba. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 05 jul. 2009. Mais!, p. 3.

 Papers in printed journal

 HIRT, André. Le retrait et l’action (Marx et Hölderlin). Alea: estudos neo latinos: revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras Neolatinas da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, v. 10, n. 2, p. 304-24, jul.-dez. 2008.

 Papers in electronic platform

 DUARTE, Lívia Lemos. O narrador do romance Cidade de Deus, de Paulo Lins. Revista Garrafa: revista virtual do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Literatura da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, n. 5, jan.-abr. 2005. Disponibilidade em: <http://www.letras.ufrj.br/ciencialit/index_revistagarrafa.htm>. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2007.

Presentation in events

 SANTIAGO, Silviano. O intelectual modernista revisado. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA FACULDADE DE LETRAS DA UFRJ, 1., 1987, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: Faculdade de Letras da UFRJ, 1989. Palestra. p. 79-87.

 CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE ESTUDOS LINGUÍSTICOS E LITERÁRIOS NA AMAZÔNIA, 2., 2009, Belém. Anais... Belém: UFPA, 2010. 2 v. Disponibilidade em: http://www.ufpa.br/ciella/download/anais_ciella2_v2.pdf. Acesso em: 21 out. 2011.


Presentation in electronic platform events

 ANDRADE, Paulo. Travessia e impasse: a tradição modernista na poesia de Sebastião Uchoa Leite. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ABRALIC: TRAVESSIAS, 11., 2004, Porto Alegre. Anais... Porto Alegre: ABRALIC; UFRGS, 2004. 1 CD-ROM.


 Electronic Document:

UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA. Coordenadoria Geral de Bibliotecas. Grupo de Trabalho Normalização Documentária da UNESP. Normalização Documentária para a produção científica da UNESP: normas para apresentação de referências. São Paulo, 2003. Disponibilidade em: <http://unesp.br/cgb/mostra_arq_multi.php?arquivo=4631>. Acesso em: 23 set. 2012.



 KOOGAN, A.; HOUAISS, A. (Ed.) Enciclopédia e dicionário digital 98. Direção geral de André Koogan Breikman. São Paulo: Delta; Estadão, 1998. 5 CD-ROM. Produzida por Videolar Multimídia.


Thesis and dissertation:

 TELLES, Luís Fernando Prado. Narrativa sobre narrativas: uma interpretação sobre o romance e a modernidade (com uma leitura da obra de António Lobo Antunes). 2009. 526 f. Tese (Doutorado em Teoria e História Literária)–Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Unicamp, Campinas, 2009.


The Humanities & Innovation Journal (Humanidades & Inovação) publishes texts in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French. Those which are written in English, French, or Spanish, must contain the abstract in Portuguese.  


Revista Humanidades e Inovação -1ª Edição

Vol. 1 Nº 1 - 2014


Política padrão de seção

Privacy Statement

The Journal

Revista Humanidades e Inovação -1ª Edição

Vol. 1 Nº 1 - 2014

Scientific Papers

Default section policy.

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The submission of originals to this periodic implies in transference, by the authors, of the printed and digital copyrights/publishing rights. The copyrights for the published papers belong to the author, and the periodical owns the rights on its first publication. The authors will only be able to use the same results in other publications by a clear indication of this periodical as the one of its original publication.  Due to our open access policy, it is allowed the free use of papers in the educational, scientific and non-commercial application, since the source is quoted (please, check the Creative Commons License on the footer area of this page).

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The names and addresses informed on this Journal will be used exclusively to the services provided by this publication, and they will not be available to other purposes or third parties.