Philosophy, art and literature have interacted with each other in various periods to try to create themes, including the 19th-century realism movement. Among its leaders are Painting, Honoré Daumier and Gustave Courbet, and in the literature of Fyodor Dostoevsky who has created works on the themes of social realism. The purpose of this investigation, is investigate the principle that How and to what extent Dostoevsky's writing and literature in the works of Daumier and Courbet based on the theory of intertextuality retained their original identity and to what extent the feedback of Dostoevsky's ideas based on critical realism in Russian literature on these paintings is evident. Next, the representation of 3 Dostoevsky's literary works in the three works by Daumier and Courbet for intertextuality is evaluated using descriptive-analytic Riffaterre theories. At the end of the research, it is concluded that Dostoevsky's thinking based on Riffaterre's theory of intertextuality has influenced the works of Daumier and Courbet. However, according to Riffaterre's intertextual approach, this influence is most evident in the works of Honoré Daumier.
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10. Pinto, SA. (1984). Introduction to the Works of Gustave Courbet (A Study and Analysis of the Life and Works of One of the Founders of Nineteenth-Century Realism, Arabic translation by Sherwah.
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Figure resources
1. Picture 1: The third class wagon, the source: (Gardner, 2015: 756)
2. Picture 2: Wheat Sifter, Source Wikipedia
3. Picture 3: Laundry, Source :( https://www.histoire-image.org/fr/etudes/cribleuses-ble )
4. Picture 4: Stone breakers, Source: (Gardner, 2015: 753)
5. Picture 5: Transnonain Street Source: (Gardner, 2015: 755)
6. Picture 6: The Wounded Man (Pinto, 1984: 37)
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