The most important stages of criminal proceedings are prosecution that under the principles and theories of criminology, such as chase measurement, it can be investigated. The most important theories and criminology schools that are written about this principle are: A tagging theory that considers any criminal offense for unprofessional and casual offenders to be a factor in secondary delinquency. Differential criminal policy as well which sets out principles such as personalization of punishment and prosecution, will justify the principle of pursuit scrutiny. Witty's shame theory and social control, and generally sociological-based criminological theories, indicate that: The pursuit must be carried out in a carefully measured manner towards different individuals and in different social situations. The principle of pursuit is governed by rules such as "dare", the need to preserve Muslim dignity, Islamic amnesty, repentance, and so on in Islamic criminal law. Criminological theories, such as zero negligence, criticize the principle and do not place it in place because in this theory of criminology emphasis is on the most rigors. The principle of follow-up has left many positive results in criminal law; the most important of these works is the criminalization of dysfunction, the reform of the perpetrators and the prevention of injuries occurring during short-term imprisonment.
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