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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines



Type of Submissions                 

  1. Scientific Papers
  2. Scientific Notes
  3. Review Articles (by invitation)

Papers should be typed in a program compatible with Word (Office), formatted on A4 paper, margins 2.0 cm, spacing 1.5, Times New Roman font, size 12, justified alignment, maximum 2MB in size. All pages should be numbered sequentially in the upper right corner, as well as each line of the text. Please check paper template. Latin words should be written in italics, as should generic and infrageneric scientific names. Scientific names, when first mentioned should be cited in full (gender, species and author), abbreviating the generic name subsequently, except where reference to other gender do not cause confusion, according to the respective nomenclature codes.

Research involving the use of animals and humans must present proof of approval by the respective ethics committee. The documents shall be attached upon submission, and the protocol(s) number(s) shall be mentioned in the body of the text (Materials and Methods).

  1. Scientific papers: Scientific papers should include title, abstract and keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments (optional) and references.
  2. Scientific Notes: Scientific notes should be written continuously, without subdivision of introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and conclusion. They should present title, abstract and keywords, acknowledgments (optional) and references.
  3. Reviews: Reviews should include title, abstract and keywords, introduction, development, conclusion (optional), acknowledgments (optional) and bibliographic references. Only Reviews sent by invitation of the Editorial Board will be accepted.

Papers can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Selected manuscripts will be translated to English by an English language expert, upon acceptance, at no cost for the author(s). In such opportunities we will seek for the authors’ permission.

The topics / subtitles (written in upper case) must follow the following guidelines:

a) TITLE: Title must be centralized, written in bold, capitalized, with up to 20 words, accompanied by the translation in English. Scientific names should be written in italics and without the author’s name. The title should be concise, informative and directly related to the objective of the work.

b) ABSTRACT: Abstract must be up to 300 words and scientific notes up to 150 words. Papers written in Portuguese should be translated into English (abstract and key words). Papers submitted in English language must include a Portuguese translation of their abstract. The keywords should include a maximum of six words separated by commas, in alphabetical order and they should not be mentioned in the title. References should not be mentioned in the abstract.

c) INTRODUCTION: Introduction should be brief, but sufficient to clarify the problem addressed or the research hypothesis (s), it should cite the specific and updated bibliography and end with the indication of the objective. The citations of references in the text must follow author-date style, as described below.

A single author: Castro (2014) or (Castro, 2014);

Two authors: Castro e Almeida (2010) or (Castro e Almeida, 2010);

Two authors or more: Castro et al. (2012) or (Castro et al., 2012).

The citations of several documents of the same author, published in the same year, should be distinguished by the addition of lowercase letters, in alphabetical order, after the year and without spacing, according to the list of references.

Exemples: Castro (2014a); (Castro, 2014b).

Indirect citations of several publications from of the same author, if mentioned simultaneously, and published in different years, must have their dates separated by commas.

Examples: (Castro, 1999, 2001, 2010)

d) MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clear description of the experimental setting and methods used should be provided, so that similar work can be reproduced. When using statistics, always state the type of analysis performed and the level of probability on which it was based. Authors should make the citation and the corresponding reference of the year and version of the program used, as well as the respective authors. As for the units of measurement, AGRIES adoptshe International System (SI) http://www.nist.gov/pml/pubs/sp811/).

e) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: may be presented together or separately. In the case of the second option, the discussion should not contain repetition of the description of the results.

f) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (optional): Technical or human support for the work should be cited.

g) FUNDING: When there is financial support, this should be cited. Example: “This research was funded by the Higher Education Personnel Coordination-CAPES and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq”.

h) REFERENCES: The submitted paper must have at least 70% of the references from scientific articles of the last ten years. The number of citations must not exceed 25. They should be listed in alphabetical order, by the first author's last name with the first letter uppercase, followed by all other authors, When the same author publishes several works in the same year, alphabetic letters should be added after the date as mentioned above. References should be organized according to the examples below. Any specific case not mentioned in these guidelines, should follow APA Style.


Books: Lorenzi, H. & Matos, F.J.A. (2008). Plantas medicinais no Brasil. 2° ed. Nova Odessa: Instituto Plantarum. 544p.

Book Chapters: Felfili, J.M.; Roitman, I.; Medeiros, M.M. & Sanchez, M. (2011). Procedimentos e Métodos de Amostragem de Vegetação. In: Felfili, J.M.; Eisenlohr, P.V.; Melo, M.M.R.F.; Andrade, L.A. & Meira Neto, J.A.A. (eds.). Fitossociologia no Brasil: Métodos e Estudos de Casos. Vol. I. Viçosa: Editora UFV. p. 86-121.

Articles: When possible, authors should mention the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) at the end of the citation.

Marchesan, E.D.; Trezzi, M.M.; Barancelli, M.V.J.; Batistel, S.C.; Pagnoncelli Jr., F.B. & Vidal, R.A. (2016). Integration mulches with atrazine for weed management in corn. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias 11(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.5039/agraria.v11i1a5353

Dissertation and Theses: Madeiro, A.S. (2014). Consumo de pasto, produção e composição do leite de vacas em pastagem de capim-marandu manejado sob lotação intermitente (Tese de doutorado). Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Seropédica, RJ, Brasil p. 62.

Websites: IUCN. (2013). The IUCN red list of threatened species, version 2010.4. IUCN Red List Unit, Cambridge U.K. Disponível em: http://www.iucnredlist.org/.

Personal communications, papers presented in Conferences, Meetings and Symposia, as well as monographs will not be accepted in the preparation of manuscripts.

Figures and Tables

a) Figures: Title and information of tables and figures should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12 and single spacing. For the footnotes, authors should use Times New Roman font, size 9 and single spacing. Tables and figures should be listed in Arabic according to the sequence in which they appear in the text, in ascending order, either directly or indirectly (in parenthesis), as shown in the examples: “Castro highlighted the following characteristics (Table 2) ...”; "The analysis of figures 3 and 4 ...".

Figures (in color or black and white) should be of high quality with 300 dpi resolution, in JPG or TIFF format.

b) Tables: Tables should be presented in black and white, in Word (Office) format. Columns and rows should be visible, but without using fills, shading, or any other color in the table. Columns should not have vertical lines, only horizontal lines. The corresponding caption should be placed directly below the picture or table. Tables and figures, as well as their titles and footnotes, should appear after the item “bibliographic references”, never in the body of the text.

c) Equations: must be written using an equation editor (MathType, Equation, among others) and numbered (numbering in parentheses) sequentially throughout the manuscript. Insert them as objects and not as images.

Access the sample for the manuscripts


Note: You must download the file to view the template correctly. Authors’ name should be added to the body of the manuscript only when the editor in chief accepts the manuscript. Please pay attention to item 5 on submission rules


a) They include the names of the authors and their affiliation.

b)  The registration of all authors is not completed at the journal platform; Example: Full Name; Institution / Affiliation; Country; Biography / Degree / position.

c) They are not accompanied by the following supplementary items: graphics, figures, photos and others, IN ORIGINAL VERSION.



A maximum of six authors will be accepted per manuscript. Authors should be include in the body of the manuscript only when requested by the editor in the acceptance communication or when corrections are suggested At this opportunity  the authors should indicate how they wish to be cited, which surnames to include, as well as add their affiliations.


Authors should think carefully about the list and order of authors informed on the platform upon original submission. If there is any addition, removal or reordering of author names after the manuscript has been submitted, the correspondent author should request the change from the journal editor, following the instructions below:

(A) Letter justifying the change

(b) Letter with signature of all authors agreeing to the addition, removal or rearrangement of names

(c) Letter from the author who is being added or removed.



It is important to clearly indicate who will be in charge for the correspondence at all stages of the manuscript's process and publication, as well as post-publication. This responsibility includes answering any future appointments about the manuscript, particularly about Materials and Methods. Therefore, ensure that the provided email address and contact details are kept up to date on the platform.



Once permission for translation is given manuscript, by the authors, they must sign an agreement indicating such consent for the publication in English. After this protocol is followed, authors should not remove his/her manuscript from the journal.

 The manuscript will then be published; up to this stage authors should not remove his/her manuscript from the journal.




Our online submission system will guide you step by step through the process of inserting and submitting your manuscript. Editable files (eg, Word) are required to compose your manuscript for final publication in PDF formats. All correspondence, including publisher's decision notification and review requests, will be emailed through the journal's platform.


Our journal operates through a double-blind peer review, that is, both the author and the reviewer are anonymous. All submissions are initially evaluated by the editor-in-chief for compliance with journal guidelines. Manuscripts deemed appropriate are then typically sent to a minimum of three independent expert reviewers to evaluate the scientific quality of the manuscript. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts.


Agri-Environmental Science journal has a FREE SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION policy. However, there is a fee for the attribution of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for accepted manuscripts.  The charge in BRL is R$ 20,00 (twenty reais)

Payment of this fee shall be made by wire transfer to the University’s account followed by the authors identification account as follows:

Universidade Estadual do Tocantins

CNPJ: 01.637.536/0001-85


Branch: 3615-3

Current account: 81.303-6



Plagiarizing is using other people's ideas and words without clearly citing the source of that information. Clarifications and examples of how to avoid plagiarism can be found here. The journal adopts plagiarism detection software, so before submitting your manuscript, make sure your manuscript complies with the journal's guidelines, including guidelines for preventing plagiarism.

Before submitting any work, be aware of ethics, scientific policy, good scientific practices and conflict of interest.

For information on Ethics, Scientific Policy, Good Scientific Practice and Conflict of Interest read:

Academia Brasileira de Ciências – ABC. Rigor e Integridade na Condução da Pesquisa Científica – Guia de Recomendações de Práticas Responsáveis. 2013. Disponível em: http://www.abc.org.br/IMG/pdf/doc-4311.pdf

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq. Relatório da Comissão de Integridade de Pesquisa do CNPq. Disponível em: http://www.cnpq.br/documents/10157/a8927840-2b8f-43b9-8962-5a2ccfa74dda

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP. Código de Boas Práticas Científicas. São Paulo. 2012. Disponível em: http://www.fapesp.br/boaspraticas/FAPESP-Codigo_de_Boas_Praticas_Cientificas_jun2012.pdf



Contact Address:

Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação

Universidade Estadual do Tocantins

108Sul Alameda 11 Lote 03

CEP: 77020-122- Palmas-T0



For more information regarding manuscript submissions (including electronic submission) visit the journal's website.

Questions after acceptance of a manuscript, especially those related to changes, should be sent by email to the editor (agries@unitins.br).

You can follow accepted manuscripts through the website http://revista.unitins.br/index.php/agri-environmental-science/index


Open access policy

Papers published in this journal are open access; they should be freely shared as long as the source and its authors are cited appropriately, with a view to preserving copyright and intellectual property. The works published in the journal will be simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND), allowing the sharing of the manuscript with acknowledgment of the authorship of the work and the initial publication in this journal.


Scientific paper

Default section policy.

Review Articles

By invitation


Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for any other purposes or to third parties.