• Luzia Fernanda Dos Santos Moraes Faculdade Campos Eliseos
  • Henrique Cunha Junior Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
Palavras-chave: Black Population. Education.Law, Inclusion. Integration.


This article addresses the various aspects involved in the process of inclusion, concluding that there is a need to combat the precarious integration of the black population in the field of university teaching of law as a way of expanding and emancipating blacks as legal operators inserted in the intellectual field. In the sociopolitical sense, the concept of integrality leads us to deepen individual freedoms, social rights and also human rights, as a good inclusion process that recognizes the ability of the black individual to think, create ideas, dialogue, argue, these being basic issues for the proper exercise of law. Full inclusion and integration are structural processes that depend on changing social mindsets. In other words, the issue goes beyond the training of legal practitioners from the black population, social changes are needed that recognize basic individual, social and political rights in the course of the social life of black people in Brazil.

Biografia do Autor

Luzia Fernanda Dos Santos Moraes, Faculdade Campos Eliseos

Luzia Fernanda dos Santos Moraes - Bachelor of Law from Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares from 2012 to 2016. Researcher and Writer on Law, Education, citizenshipand the Black Population. Studying Sociology and Post-Graduation in African Culture – Campos Elíseos University. Specialization course in Quilombola Law (Puc Minas/ Quilombola Federation – MG) Free course in Legal Portuguese, English and Spanish. Specialization course in Bioethics/Biolaw and Human Rights by the Portal da Educação University. Scientific Initiation: theme “Bioethics/Biolaw – A Legal Analysis of the Health of the Black Population in Brazil. Specialization course in Contracts, Business Law, Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration – Escola de Cursos Jurídicos. Jus Postulandi. Hearing student of the Masters in Education course at the Regional University of Cariri - URCA. Discipline Education, Culture and Black Thought.

Henrique Cunha Junior, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Researcher on Black Populations, African Technological History and African Urbanism.Professor in the area of ​​electrical engineering, researches and teaches about Energy Planning and the relationship between Science, Technology and Society. He has a degree in engineering (EESC-USP) and sociology (UNESP-Araraquara), a master's degree in engineering and a master's degree in history. PhD in Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine – France, 1983. Defended the thesis of free teaching at the University of São Paulo in 1993. Full Professor at the Federal University of Ceará since 1994.



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