
Disasters, understood as collective calamitous events of great magnitude and with distinct consequences for a community, have become increasingly common and global. The situation facing a disaster already requires care in itself. Added to the vulnerabilities of the people affected, they have proven to be of fundamental importance, including safeguarding the rights of all those involved. Therefore, considering that the impact of a disaster is directly related to social and environmental vulnerability, it was raised a research question. If the greater is the vulnerability, the greater would be the impact of the disaster on a population and, consequently, the greater would be the human rights violations? Thus, it was hypothesized that if those most affected by a disaster are in a vulnerable situation, then the impact of a disaster on them is higher. Based on these premises, this study aims to analyze the relationship between disaster, vulnerability, and risk society, related on the correlation with the phases of the disaster cycle. To reach this goal, it is used the inductive method combined with a literature review on disasters, risk reduction, vulnerability, and human rights. Given the above, there was a need to promote cooperation between States and the international community with more efficacy. That may create a culture of prevention based on the reduction of vulnerabilities, for the correct confrontation of disasters through the adoption of risk management measures, allied to a need to build environmental rationality to create a new sustainable reality in the world.

Biografia do Autor

Renata Carvalho Martins Lage, University of Itaúna (UIT)

Phd Student in Protection of Fundamental Rights at the University of Itaúna (UIT). Master's Degree in Law from the Federal University of Sergipe. Post-Graduation at the Superior School of Law at OAB-MG. Graduation Law Degree at IBMEC-MG. Graduation Degree in Occupational Therapy from Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais.

Deilton Ribeiro Brasil, Universidade de Itaúna (UIT)

Pós-doutor em Direito pela UNIME, Itália. Doutor em Direito pela UGF/RJ. Professor da Graduação e do Mestrado e Doutorado em Proteção dos Direitos Fundamentais da Universidade de Itaúna (UIT), Faculdades Santo Agostinho de Sete Lagoas (FASASETE-AFYA).


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