This article is the result of an academic collaboration between one Brazilian and one Croatian university for and during an international event held in the year 2015. The research used, as the basis for the article, was conducted at the intersection between Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA) and Language Policies in order to understand and analyze the vision build around teaching of Korean and Japanese as foreign languages. We decided to study official documents published by the main educational institutions of two countries - the Japan Foundation and Korea Foundation – as well as some governmental documents. We consulted two authors of CDA: Wodak (1997), Fairclough (2001) and three within the area of Language Policy - Tollfson (2006, 2008), Mcarthy (2011) and Hornberger (2008).Therefore, we present the main findings concerning the analysis of official discourse present in documents and images that form what is considered as an ideal student and/or teacher.
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TOLLEFSON, J.W. Language Policies in Education: Critical Issues. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002.
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WODAK, R. Introduction. In:Language Policy and Political Issues in Education. Vol1. Encyclopedia of Language Education. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, p.335-370.
WORTHAM, S. E. F. Linguistic anthropology of education. In: MARTIN-JONES, M.; de MEJÍA, M.; HORNBERGER, N. (Orgs.). Encyclopedia of Language and Education, v. 3, Discourse and Education. New York: Springer, 2008, p. 93-103.
Official documents consulted
JF Standard for Japanese Language in Education, Japan Foundation, 2010., acessado em 12.4.2016
Outline of the Student Exchange System, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, 2010., acessado em 12.4.2016
The Law of the Japan Foundation Independent Administrative Institution, Foreign Ministry of Japan, 2003., acessado em 12.4.2016
The Program Guidelines of the JF, Japan Foundation, 2016., acessado em 12.4.2016
Annual Report, Korea Foundation, 2010., acessado em 12.4.2016
Korean Government Scholarship Program, National Institute for International Education, 2015., acessado em 12.4.2016
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